Monday, 18 January 2016

Sunday + MLK

From an incredibly restful day to an extremely busy day--the past forty-eight hours have been packed.

My friend Jenn and I started off our Saturday morning with a three-mile run to a yoga studio in Brooklyn, the neighboring borough to Queens, in which we are staying. Most runners are like "ya omg three miles, what a nice warmup!!!!" and they flip their hair and saunter off with a soft glisten. I, on the other hand, was like--

I hate this, I am tired, I wanna go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was cool, though, because we actually got to see a lot of Brooklyn that we would have been unable to explore otherwise.

Luckily, Jenn and I had just arrived at a wonderful yoga class in order to stretch out and relax. Just one problem--it was hot yoga. AKA they crank up the heat to like one hundred degrees or something and just like sweat you the eff out. And, my freaking instructor was not a yoga instructor--he was like a freaking aggressive dance instructive. He kept snapping and counting off like "FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT" and clapping, and it was literally a nightmare. He was like--

And I was like--

I'd kill you if I wasn't dying of heat exhaustion

I literally like crawled out of the class afterwards, because I was so worn and dehydrated. Jenn and I wandered to a smoothie shop to refuel, showered up, then went to a diner with two more friends. We enjoyed all of our food and laughed about boys and life and fun--until I looked outside.


IT WAS SNOWING. It was freezing cold, and white snow was falling from the sky, and I felt like crying, but the tears would have frozen. So I did what any self-respecting Californian would have done...

I curled up in my bed and refused to leave it for the rest of the night. It was oh-so-lovely. I watched a ton of Jane the Virgin--

lol literally me, according to my sisters

and did some readings. It was a great day.

Today, we had a full day of classes--8:30 AM to 4:30 PM--and I actually managed to stay awake and present the entire time with only two cups of coffee.

this counts as one cup, right?

We heard from some very inspiring speakers. I think the most intriguing was a Department of Sanitation manager that uses his bureaucratic position to not only improve the environment and the health of those in his city but also to further social justice and advocacy in his community. It made me want to enter government work to benefit the international community, like, yesterday. It also got me so excited for my upcoming summer job with a veterans treatment court in Montana. Basically, this program is invigorating me and inspiring me and motivating me--and I'm only one week in!!!

Tomorrow will be another awesome day of site visits and speakers. I can't wait!

Stoked as heck,

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