Sunday, 14 June 2015

Peaceful Shabbat and Panicked Sunday

Have I talked before about how much I value the peace and reflection of Shabbat? Even if I have, I'm about to extol its virtues again, so pay attention.

Setting a full 24 hours aside to think about your faith, to spend time with family and friends, to eat delicious food, and to praise God is one of the most worthy sacrifices of time I have ever witnessed. It's so simple and so lovely and so valuable. Even though I don't abide by the rules very well (I call my family, and listen to music, and change my cover photo), I try to use the silence and the meaning of Saturday to figure out how I want to spend the week and what my goals are for my summer and my faith and my life.

Right as the sun set on Saturday, my host family gathered around the dark kitchen, lit a plate of alcohol on fire with a small match and began singing a Hebrew song of thanksgiving to God. It made my heart feel warm, and it was the perfect end to a weekend I'd used to explore and reaffirm my faith. How cool.

Then.... today. Oh my gosh. Right when I start to believe that I'm practically an Israeli, I get lost on the way to work. There I was, little Aubs on her bus, reading her amazing book. I come out of my literary trance and see my stop rolling by....

And... There goes my stop...

I frantically got off at the next stop, which was like a little less than a mile from the school. If I'd tried to walk that, after my 10-mile weekend, I would've been like--

So I hopped on the next bus, the 29, which I was positive went to my internship. I happily sat down next to the window--and then it turned onto the wrong street.

Me: Nooooo GO THAT WAY!!!!

Arrived at the central bus station after some panicking, where I asked the attendants which bus to get on. After some conference, they insisted "the 29."

r. u. kidding.

So I sit there. Waiting for 29. Again. 

I get on, when it fiiiinally comes. And there it goes!!! Right towards my street!!!!!!! And then... it passes.


Off at the next station. Waiting for any freaking bus that will take me to my freaking street to get to my freaking internship. By now, I'm an hour and a half late. WHY. WHY WHY. I ask every bus that passes by whether or not they go to IDC Herzliya.

And they're all like

And my face goes like


I got fed the eff up. It was late. I wanted to get to work and be productive. My outfit was adorbs, and I wanted to show it off. I was desperate. I hailed a taxi, and def got frikin ripped off by a guy who spoke only Hebrew so I couldn't argue. I forked over 15 bucks for a five minute drive.

But, I finally got to work. My topic for the rest of my research was approved. And I hung out with my awesome cool new friends. Yippee! 

Only a few days until my next adventure... Get excited for me.

With Adoration,
Full of Contradictions Aubs

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