I screenshotted about ten pics of the directions needed to get to the sand and set out on my way, wobbly and on the verge of toppling.
It was a trek through some random construction site that I accidentally wandered into, crowds of annoyed Israelis that did not understand my frantic "excuse me!" as I swerved around strollers and dogs, and a life-altering, tragic injury that will hold me back from ever being mobile again.
How it felt
What it was )':
But honestly, it was cool--I was bikeriding through a little foreign city on the way to the Mediterranean. It felt very Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
It was just like this, except I was alone and bleeding profusely
And then--just as I reached into my bag to grab my phone and check directions--I SAW IT. I literally gasped out loud.
That little patch of blue in the back
THERE IT WAS. THE BEACH. And in that moment I realized that regardless of which country I was in or what body of water it was, the beach would always in some way be my home. It will always take my breath away while simultaneously filling me with the comfort of familiarity. Sand and saltwater run through my veins. And I mean, the proof of that composition was all over my ankle and shoe... Yikes. Time to get in the water.
But first... a snack.
Doritos: Cool Ranch are the same in any language
I posted up on the shore and read my book/people-watched/enjoyed the sun on my Vitamin-D-deprived skin. Herzliya Beach was a conglomeration of many beaches I've seen before. It had the beautiful cliffed shores of Laguna, the temperate warmth and waveless water of Miami, and the picturesque sailboats of Newport,
But the stunning shells were unique
If you look under the ripples, you can see the sand is absolutely FILLED with shells!!
Perfect clam shells with round edges covered the entire beach. It was amazing!!! Perfect for a DIY project, which I will be undertaking at some point this summer.
The lifeguard tower was adorable. It reminded me of Long Beach Airport in a funny way!
And just like that, homesickness started to set in the faintest bit. I've been in such a whirlwind of newness and activity that I haven't even had the chance to miss home. But I really do. I miss talking to my mom, going to the zoo with my dad, sleeping next to Sisi and listening to music with Miranda, walking my dogs, and being back in Anaheim. It's hard that I only had two weeks to get my fill of my home this summer and that in all likelihood I won't return until November. That's what growing up is, I suppose. Flying the nest, leaving the old behind in the quest for excitement. But I know in my heart that Southern California will always be home, and I hope that life leads me back.
My new fave gif
But not for a little while--I've got some adventures to go on.
I rode back home with little incident, not in little part due to the emptiness of the sidewalks. Shabbat, or the Jewish Sabbath, was about to begin, and people were hunkering down in their homes preparing for the day dedicated to rest and reflection. No public transportation runs from Friday night to Saturday night, and most stores are closed as well. Kind of crazy! Once again, an interesting mix of church and state that manifests itself in unexpected ways.
I will soon be headed to a Shabbat dinner with my host family, and I'm looking forward to experiencing a candlelit dinner--especially since I haven't found my Israeli boyfriend yet to take me out (;
Til next time,
Beach Babe Aubs
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