Friday, 24 July 2015

Bomb Coworkers and Beach Bumming

These past two days have deepened my appreciation for the place I'm living this summer and the work I'm lucky enough to dedicate my months to.

Yesterday, one of my fellow coworkers spent her final day at the internship. Luckily, she's a fellow Harvardian AND country music lover (which we discovered due our mutual depression and agony over Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert's divorce, RIP to love), so we bought tickets to attend a Little Big Town Concert together in September! This was the first event of a day that reminded me how awesome my fellow interns are.

All of the interns headed out to a small, very Israeli cafe for lunch... and instead of our usual one hour break, we took two. Oops. We tried to slyly slip back into work without our absence being noticed...

Oh so quiet

And we thought we were super successful until our boss came in and remarked, "yeah I was getting worried, where were all you guys?" Maybe if I'd had practice sneaking out in high school, I would have been better at this. (Translation: parents, I was such a good kid, appreciate me more.)

But the lunch was so fun and hysterical and awesome.

Then, later that night, one of the fellow Californians at the internship (throwin' in that qualifier because #solidarity) threw a get-together at his apartment that was, of course, America-themed, which meant all the red, white, and blue that could be amassed in Tel Aviv. 

We had the funnest time--

And all the Harvard gals gathered for a pic as well--

This internship does remind me of Harvard in a way--I'm surrounded by intellectual, intelligent, and intriguing twenty-somethings that share some of my interests and beliefs but challenge me to think differently and entertain new ideas. Plus, they're just fun!!! It makes me excited to get back to school and to get into the workplace in a few years; to be surrounded by individuals that inspire me and challenge me.

Today was all about recovery from the 3 AM bedtime and long work-week. Nava, Michal, and I spent a few hours on Herzliya Beach, roasting in the sun and relaxing. 

Nava and Michal!

The water was just as warm as the 90 degree air; floating in the sea felt like flying in a way--there was no difference between the air and water. I felt totally in my element. 

My final Shabbat with the family until their departure to America began tonight. I love them so much. Should be a wonderful weekend. 

With love,
Right-at-Home Aubs

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