Let me explain why.
First of all, a hilarious, albeit tragic, sequence of events that I was too ashamed to share with you all a few days ago, but I figure I will now.
I have this cool app on my phone called "TimeHop," which presents me every morning with a summary of every single social media post and text I've sent on that exact day in previous years. So, on July 26, 2015, I got to see the posts from 7/26/14, 7/26/13, etc. etc. And what happened on those days, you may ask?
July 26, 2013: My six month "anniversary" with my ex-boyfriend. Awk nowadays, but sweet at the time.
July 26, 2014: My first ever kiss with a long-time crush. AWHHH. (No, it didn't work out.)
And on July 26, 2015--I logged onto my YouTube account and the first suggested video was titled "Life With Cats."
absolute, utter shock
So, in other words, I'm going to die alone. Where did I go wrong, my dear readers!!???!!
I mean, I'm joking. I know that my single status has allowed me to embark on unforeseen adventures. I'm in a foreign country with zero obligations (except the daily call to my mommy), and I get to explore the world without inhibitions or guilt. I wouldn't trade my lack of a love life for anything.
Still... When I see the daily engagements on my Facebook newsfeed of my high school classmates and college peers, I wanna yell--
Don't grow up, then I'll have to!!!!
But hey--I'm still kind of an adult!! I mean, I woke up early this morning to do dishes, to load some laundry, and to clean up the kitchen.
I know my mom is reading this right now like, um excuse me? You know how to do dishes?
But because my family left yesterday (which I honestly can't think of right now without tears coming to my eyes), I feel like I possess some responsibility in the maintenance of the house. Michal and I are gonna take GREAT care of this home.
I strolled to the nearby market to buy an ingredient for banana bread, which I planned to make as a nice treat for dessert.
But let me tell you what being away from home means.
It means staring at a wall of packaged dairy products without understanding any of the package labels since you don't know the language.
It means handing the cashier a 100 bill because the garble of Hebrew that was meant to mean numbers made no sense and you're too embarrassed to admit you only speak English.
It means forgoing any sense of comfort, or ease, or comprehension in order to submerge yourself in confusion and plain idiocy at times for the sake of learning culture and living in an incredible, unfamiliar place.
And I know I'm lucky and that this is an amazing opportunity, and I am taking advantage of every second--but I am exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically. I feel like I'm always on edge, because I never quite know what is going on around me. It takes a lot of energy!
Which means... I need sleep. After this next episode of "Army Wives," that is.
Gonna sleep like a rock,
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